Let’s meet the unexpected collaborations of the PITCCH project!

Unexpected collaborations of the PITCCH project

The major purpose of the PITCCH project is to promote connections and collaboration between well-established corporations and multinationals, and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s), to bring quick and innovative solutions to the market.


The project initially anticipated only one winner per challenge and one collaboration project per challenge. However, other partnerships were developed.


As a result, some of the Big Corporations decided to collaborate on more than one project and company.


So, we present to you some unexpected collaborations from PITCCH challenges! Keep an eye on these! 


Procter & Gamble & PlastiFri


Procter & Gamble & PlasticFri

Procter & Gamble launched the challenge “‘Plastic-free’ recyclable packaging for liquid detergents”. The company was looking for a startup or SME that could propose a plastic-free packaging with the ability to hold detergent liquids compatible with existing recycling streams.

Besides the partnership established in the 1st corporate challenge round, they also decided to work with PlasticFri, who proposed a 100% circular packaging, plastic-free and recyclable as paper. The PlasticFri barrier presents itself as an aqueous, water-resistant barrier and as an environmentally friendly alternative to plastics, bioplastics, polylactic acid, waxes and silicone.


30’ Bio:
Location: Sweden
Foundation year: 2018
Sectors: Consumers Goods/Products, Environment, Manufacturing
Technology: Advanced Manufacturing
Website: www.plasticfri.com



Eternis & Vertoro


Eternis & Vertoro

Eternis launched the challenge “Creating value through biotransformation of ‘aroma waste’”. They were looking for an SME or startup that could create value from the ‘aroma’ by-products that are generated during their manufacturing process and incinerated as waste.

Besides the partnership established in the 3rd corporate challenge round, they also chose to collaborate with Vertoro, a company that produces Goldilocks® exclusively from sustainably sourced forestry and agricultural residues by means of a patented thermochemical process. They proposed a pathway to solubilize a ligno-cellulose fraction, lignin, in methanol. The resulting blend is a so-called crude lignin oil – Goldilocks(R). It can be used as a platform for fuel, chemical and material applications.


30’ Bio:
Location: Netherlands
Foundation year: 2017
Sectors: Chemicals, Energy
Technology: Other
Website: https://vertoro.com/

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