Past Challenge by:

Challenge Description

MANN+HUMMEL is a leading global company in filtration technology with two business units Transportation and Life Sciences & Environment. The corporate is looking for an SME or a Start-up that can develop a sensor to detect critical pesticide concentrations inside the cabin of tractors and other agricultural vehicles and which can distinguish between regular aerosols (e.g. water droplets) and hazardous pesticide aerosols. The new sensor will be an essential part of the in-cabin air quality monitoring systems, giving peace of mind to the tractor operator, controlling the operating mode of the ventilation system, detecting the status of the cabin air filter and providing maintenance recommendations for the air filter system. Join the Platform to see the full challenge.

Challenge Journey

Tentative timeline for the 3rd challenge launch
Call for corporate
20 December – 21 February
1 March
Call for solution
7 March - 26 April
26 April – 10 May
Pitch Days

May 2022